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By Arthur Schnitzler

Adapter by Jason Sherman

Directed by Herbert Olschok

"[the] set is a work of art in itself.  The central set element has three hinged wings in dusky shades that the actors push into various configurations to suggest the play’s ten different settings. Downstage right is a smaller curved wall that actors also roll into place to add detail to these settings.  Soon enough one notices soon that both set pieces are being moved in circles, the curved wall making smaller circles in the shadow of the large trifold wall—a wonderful example of the design reinforcing a play’s theme."

-Christopher Hoile


"There's shock, beauty, and real sexiness"

-Kate Taylor, The Globe and Mail

"Soulpepper returns brilliantly to form with La Ronde."

-Robert Cushman, National Post

"Bold, daring, vibrant theatre."

-Lynn Slotkin, CBC Radio

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